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七個號角的信息──上帝通過耶穌拯救祂的創造 (啟八7-十一19)
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2019-11-05 - 291觀看次數

 The seven angels with seven trumpets, and the angel with a censer, from the Bamberg Apocalypse.



讓我們從最後的三個 (即第五個至第七個) 號角開始討論,然後再去理解前四個號角。當第五個號角響起時,來自無底坑的煙霧,變成了變異(非草食性)的蝗蟲。牠們在呈現一套優秀表面之後,就像蝎子一樣用尾巴去刺人。這些蝗蟲跟隨那個稱為「毀滅」的領導(九11)。


第一個片段 (九13-21) 始於人類(來自幼發拉底河,就是巴比倫的命脈,而巴比倫象徵我們人類因為傲慢,不信靠上帝而構築的各種建設和建制),通過馬匹彼此相殺,殺死了世上三份之一的人,但仍沒有悔改。



然而,即使這些兇手拒不悔改,但在第二個片段 (第十章) ,上帝卻暫時停止應有的審判:不允許七個雷(代表憤怒)被記下來,並改為傳講一個新的信息。

這個信息構成第三個片段 (十一1-13),它集中於兩位見證人。他們因保護上帝聖城不被踐踏而說預言(十一2 - 3)。這兩個證人被殺,但是上帝叫他們復活,並被接上了天。


請留意,以一個月為30天計算,得到 42個月 = 1260天。

而如果我們讓「3.5天」與 啟十二14 中的「一載二載半載」互相對應(希臘語原文「載」是「預定時間 kairos」),則在第十二至十三章中,我們會再次找到這些時間尺度。


七天和七年這兩個重疊的時段,都是安息的週期:七天是上帝的「一週」,七年是人類的「安息年」週期(出埃及記二十9-11;利未記廿五 1-8)。

從創世的開始到末了,上帝從來沒有停止工作,這開始到末日的時段,是上帝的「一週」。依照上下文判斷,可以看到前述的所有時間尺度,都象徵著同一個時段。因此,2 x 42個月和2 x 1260天,象徵著整個歷史。這些宇宙性的時間尺度,代表整個歷史長河中,上帝的工作(週)和人類的工作(安息年)。


這個教導的意義深長:耶穌不單是上帝工作(週)的中心,而同時也視乎人們與祂的關係,是人類工作(安息年)的中心:在歷史長河中,通過2 x 1260天(基於太陽的「日」,代表光明),耶穌是聖徒的領袖;並通過2 x 42個月(基於月亮的「月」,代表黑暗),耶穌是反對者的審判官。









Message of Seven Trumpets —
God Saves His Creation Through Jesus (Rev. 8:7-11:19)

In Revelation, John introduces God’s creation agenda in the seven seals (previous article). In those seven seals, Jesus’ death and resurrection is only alluded to through the slain Lamb. But is the central Christian message important to creation care, and if so, how? The answer is in the seven trumpets. 

Let us start with the last three (5th–7th) trumpets and revisit the first four trumpets later. When the fifth trumpet is sounded, smoke from the bottomless pit turns into mutated (non-herbivorous) locusts that sting people using their tail like scorpions, after presenting a very impressive façade. These locusts follow their leaders called “Destruction”(9:11).

The sixth trumpet has three episodes.

The first episode (9:13-21) starts with humans (from the Euphrates, being the lifeblood of Babylon, the human construction) killing up to one third of each other through horses, yet without repenting. Contrasting this with the fifth trumpet shows a clear demarcation: Satan (from the bottomless pit) can only destroy through deception (beguile in front, then sting after passing by), but cannot kill physically; in contrast, when humans act out these lies, they kill each other physically initiating a vicious cycle downward – horses destroy from their mouths, but their tails also have heads (hence mouths) to harm. Message: In actualizing Satan’s non-material lies, humans are ultimately responsible for their actions.

Yet even when these murderers do not repent, God halts rightful judgment in the second episode (Rev 10): Seven thunders (representing wrath) are not allowed to be written down; a new message is then preached. 

The message is the third episode (11:1-13) which centres on two witnesses prophesying against the trampling of God’s holy city. These two witnesses were murdered, but resurrected and taken up to heaven.

Some timescales are introduced here: 42 months, 1260 days and 3.5 days. Note that 42 months = 1260 days with a month idealized as 30 days. These timescales are again mentioned in chapters 12-13, if we allow “3.5 days” to correspond to “time, times and half a time” in 12:14 (time in Greek is kairos, appointed time). 
The resurrection of the two witnesses takes place right in the middle of a seven-day and a seven-year period (between two “3.5 days”, two “1260 days” and two “42 months”). The combined timescales are Sabbatical periods: God’s week and human’s Sabbatical year cycle (Exodus 20:9-11; Leviticus 25:1-8). 

God never ceases working, from beginning to end of creation. That is God’s week. The context indicates that all the above timescales are of the same “duration”, symbolically, hence the 2 x 42 months and 2 x 1260 days symbolize the entire span of history. These are cosmic timescales representing God’s work (week) and humans’ work (Sabbatical year) throughout history.

By placing the two witnesses in the centre of these time scales, John has symbolized Jesus as the one who has fulfilled the Law and Prophets (two OT witnesses) and resurrected to become the Lord of the Sabbath as Jesus claims himself to be (Matthew 12:8, Mark 3:28, Luke 6:5).

The teaching is profound: Jesus is not only the centre of God’s work (week), but also of human’s work according to how people relate to him: as leader of the saints through 2 x 1260 days (days aligned with the sun and represent light) and judge of his opponents through 2 x 42 months (months aligned with the moon representing darkness) throughout history. Unavoidably, Jesus lords over every person, even over those opposing him. Jesus is leading his creation to the final Sabbath.

In the final (seventh) trumpet is the ultimate but seminal victory proclaimed. Based on Jesus’ victory in the resurrection, God rewards his many types of servants, but destroys only the destroyer of the earth (11:18). Removing destruction of his creation is God’s intention.

The 5th to 7th trumpets unlock the mystery of the first four trumpets: who is responsible for destroying 1/3 of God’s creation? Answer: Humans buying into the lies of Satan. Who is responsible for preserving 2/3 creation? Answer: God himself through Jesus – Lord of the Sabbath!

Like the seven seals before, the logic of the seven trumpets follows core Bible teachings – humans are deceived by Satan, but Jesus resurrected to defeat Satan’s ultimate lie, saving God’s creation from human destruction. 

The way this message of Jesus’ victory will lead to creation’s salvation is in John’s portrayal of Jesus as Lord of the Sabbath. This will be discussed in the next article. 



六年前,中國大陸代表團曾受內地政府阻止,無法出席第三屆洛桑大會二○一○年開普敦普世宣教會議。今年,中國代表卻能出席八月三日至十日在印尼雅加達舉行的青年洛桑大會2016(YLG2016),幾近逐一跟世界其他地區代表討論合作策略,努力尋求如何能夠成為全球使命的夥伴。 YLG2016假印尼雅加達希望之光大學(Universitas Pelita Harapan)的環球校園舉行,有千多名來自一百四十多個國家的年輕領袖和導師參與。YLG2016大會項目設計主席賓遜(David Benson)指出,大會主題為「在那偉大故事中合一」,圍繞上帝的旨意貫穿人類歷史的聖經故事,重新聆聽上主召喚人去創造、悔改、祝福、關愛、復和、和敬拜的洪音,「在廣闊的多元文化中交流各自的故事,我們都受啟發去重新想像何謂培育神的世界、轉離偶像崇拜、回應救贖、重建和平,以及為神的榮耀作工。」 大會期間,參加者梳理了這一代所面臨的主要挑戰:如何在懷疑的世代傳揚基督真理、傳揚整全福音及基督於貧窮和環境之上的主權意味甚麼、如何回應性觀念的不同概念、受迫害的教會,以及福音派在未來數十年要面對的主要挑戰。 在各全體大會之間,留有大量時段供禱告及策劃全球使命之用。參與者更自發組織了超過五十個按主題編排的會議。聚會項目還包括一系列的實驗工作坊,引導參與者通過討論,藉新創的宣教計劃具體開展合作活動。大會結束之日,已收到超過五十九份可行宣教合作項目的意見書,部份更將獲資助基金撥款啟動。 而「開普敦承諾書」(Cape Town Commitment)中多個重大的宣教議題,成了YLG2016分區大會和卅五個工作坊的焦點。此外,資深和年輕領袖亦有機會單對單會面,彼此交流。為了強調「連結」於YLG2016的重要性,大會安排了大量的自由時段,這促使參與者騰出更多心靈空間。 內地代表在大會中跟與會者分別「使命中國2030」的願景--希望到了二○三○年,可向海外差遣合共二萬名宣教士。他們與YLG2016的非洲與會者的討論成果尤其豐碩,因為有一百多萬中國人正生活在非洲大陸,成了非洲教會鮮有接觸的群組。
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